Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to questions our users ask.

Yes, but please get in touch with us at [email protected] to let us know your plans so we can support you in any way we can.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Paypal for online donations.

Payment on our site is very secure. Our payments are processed using the Stripe platform. Processing donations through this platform, we had to ensure we were PCI DSS compliant, which is the utmost level of security when processing payments online. The PCI DSS compliance has been done by SecurityMetrics, leader in the security market.

Our site is also using 256 bit SSL encryption technologies site-wide, which you can see by the green lock in your browser URL bar. We ensure every available effort is made to protect the privacy of the information you provide to us. To the extent we hold such information, we encrypt all email addresses, passwords and other contact details of the Participants or people who make Donations or place Purchase Orders.

1. MusicHelps is a music industry charity helping artists, crew and music workers who are facing hardship, an illness, a mental health problem or injury that impacts on their ability to work in music. We also develop and support projects in the community that use music to help and heal our most vulnerable people. These projects include Music Therapy as part of palliative care as well as in hospitals and schools, projects that work with at risk youth, and programmes that support disabled people.

2. Our key programs include emergency financial, counselling and wellbeing services for New Zealand music workers, and a grant and partnership programme with projects in the community.

3. We help music workers of all kinds and all genres: artists, songwriters, composers, musicians, crew, managers, staffers and others.

4. We treat every request for help confidentially and make no judgment about people's circumstances.

5. For further information, visit our main website - .

1. It’s simple. Talk to your CEO or HR team to make sure that they can schedule the day into the company calendar. (The sooner you can do this the better).

2. Find an internal champion who will agree to coordinate planning for the day.

3. Create an individual or team page as described above.

4. Start thinking of some other fun things you can do in the lead up to, and on the day, to really drive interest and participation. It’s a great team bonding opportunity.

5. Ask your company to provide additional motivation by matching staff donations (can be to an agreed limit).

6. If you would like to discuss company participation please contact [email protected].

Hot Tip: If your team is working remotely, and you want to create a team photo for your page, try using this tool:

First, you will need to be signed up as an individual. You can click here to sign up.

Once you have signed up, you can create or join a team from your profile page. On the left hand column of the page, scroll down to 'Join a Team'. You can select to 'Create a Team' to start your own, or 'Find a Team' to find and join a team that someone else has created.

1. If you are an artist, industry leader or media personality, we would love you to be a Champion for the campaign. Share, post and encourage!

2. To do this please record a video shout out (or photo) repping your favourites Band or Artist Tee, and post to your socials encouraging your followers to support the campaign. If you have an active fan club, please get them involved as well.

3. Please use the hashtag and tag us in your post: #nzmusictshirtday, @musichelpsnz

4. Many artists also choose to donate a % of their t-shirt or other merch sales to MusicHelps during the campaign period. If you plan to do this, please contact us at [email protected].

5. If you would like to be a media spokesperson, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

1. You can champion NZ Music T-Shirt Day in your workplace, school or social networks and ask your friends, work colleagues and school mates to participate.

2. You can set up an individual page and invite your networks to support you; or you can create a team page and invite everyone to wear their favourite t-shirt and see how much you can raise in your team’s name. (See 'How do I create or join a team?').

3. You can make a donation using the Donate button and then post your band tee selfie to social media using the #nzmusictshirtday hashtag and tagging us at @musichelpsnz.

1. NZ Music T-Shirt Day is a great way to show support for New Zealand music and the people who make it. It also celebrates the way dedicated professionals are using music in our communities to make a difference to the lives of our most vulnerable people. This year, more than ever, MusicHelps needs your help.

2. Music provides the soundtrack to all our lives, whether you are a CEO or an intern.

3. NZ Music T-Shirt Day is easy to do; and is a great way to create engagement with staff, raise funds for a worthy charity and have some fun in the office - even if you are working virtually.

4. For some companies, it reinforces an existing commitment to kiwi music; for others, it brings people together around a topic that is of endless interest.

5. Remember: Every Band Tee Has A Story… and NZ Music T-Shirt Day is your chance to tell it!

Our payments are processed using Stripe Payments and PayPal. Stripe and PayPal specialise in delivering successful eCommerce payment gateway services to thousands of merchants. Stripe is an international company with a trusted name in eCommerce solutions and is at the fore front of the online payment industry. Processing donations through this platform, we had to ensure we were PCI DSS compliant, which is the utmost level of security when processing payments online.

A profile page is the individual page that you need to set up so you can start fundraising. Everyone must have one of these. It can be in your name or some other name. You can invite your friends, family and others to donate to this page to help you raise money for the cause.

Once you have an individual profile page, you can then ALSO set up a team page and encourage your friends and colleagues to make their pages part of your team.

For example, the staff of MusicHelps could each set up individual profile pages and promote those pages to their networks of friends, family and colleagues. All their individual totals will be listed on the “Individuals” leaderboard. But one of the staff can also set up a “Team MusicHelps” page that they all can then join their individual pages to, so that the funds they raise get aggregated together into a single “Team MusicHelps” total on the “Teams” side of the leaderboard.

Either way you choose to set up a page is fantastic for us and it all helps ensure we maximise the total amount of funds raised.

Now it's time to encourage people to donate! By signing up, you will have created your own profile on the NZ Music T-Shirt Day page. Your profile page has a unique link that you can share with your whānau, friends and work mates to encourage donations.

Here’s what a winning strategy could look like for your company (based on a real example)

Monday 2 May:

Internal Announcement and diary send

Send calendar invite to all employees to participate in your company photo on the day

Encourage staff to buy a music T-Shirt to wear on the day if they don’t already have one.

Friday 20 May:

Create short content piece (video or ppt) of key influencers answering four questions: What Band tee are you wearing? What show you bought the shirt at (venue/year)? What that artist means to you? What has the loss of live music over the past year meant to you?

Finalise schedule for the day.

(Have you considered music trivia games; a Who Am I guessing game; or even a performance schedule for the aspiring artists in your ranks? (These can be live streamed if you are still working virtually)

Friday 27 May: NZ Music T-shirt Day!

8am – Instagram flood. Ask all employees to post their pics on socials (to get the day trending)

9am – Post your short content piece on your company’s socials pages

11.30am – gather together for screening of content piece / photo / games / prizes for best tees (could be done via Zoom)

3pm – Raffle announced for everyone who has worn a t-shirt, via email. (Company provides prize).

4pm – End of day (virtual) social event (e.g. BBQ, drinks) with optional gold coin donation entry

4.30pm – Announce company matching and grand total raised by your company

5pm – Celebrate your position on our leader board and see how much was raised!

Hot Tip: If your team is working remotely, and you want to create a team photo for your page, try using this tool:

1. Make sure you change the story on your page to make it personal; upload a pic and change the fundraising target if you are not comfortable with the default target.

2. Make sure you and your team members actively blog on your supporter page (pics, video and text) as this gives you a reason to share your page again.

3. Hot tip: Use individual emails when sharing your link and inviting support. One in four personal emails to family, friends, colleagues and co-workers result in a donation. They are more effective than those tempting group emails or generic FB posts.

4. When posting to social media, make sure to link to your own profile page (and hence your donation button) as well as including the #nzmusictshirtday hashtag and tagging @musichelpsnz